Version WinTen²⁺ Enhancement Release Notes

Release Date: 7/23/2012
Program Version:

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software WinTen²⁺ Enhancement Release with the release date of 7/23/2012.

Note: This WinTen²⁺ version requires all user workstations to be running Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.0 or higher.

Framework Release Notes

FSS Release Notes

HIP Release Notes

Inspections Release Notes

Property Security Release Notes

Scribe Release Notes

TenDocs Release Notes

Work Orders Release Notes



1. On the Home tab splash screen, we have added a link to the Online Resource Center (Release Notes). (Case 3737)

Path: Home tab splash screen > Release Notes link

2. We have enhanced the Person Search feature to support searching by different name combinations. For example, "John Smith" and "Smith John" now return the same search results. (Case 3985)

Path: Home tab menu > General > Person Search > Person Search screen

Bug Reports

1. When a new user was added in Master Setup, the Parent User field was NULL and was editable only by users with the "Super User" role. This meant that if User A added the new user (User B), and User A was not a Super User, then User A was not able to set a Parent User for new User B. To correct this, the user who adds a new user is now set by default as the Parent User of the new user and can also edit the Parent User field. (Case 919)

New users are added in the Users area of Master Setup:

Path: TenCentral > Master Setup > Main Menu > Users

The Parent User field is on the WinTen²⁺ User screen, which you access through Master Setup:

Path: TenCentral > Master Setup > Main Menu > User Security > User Search screen > User screen

2. The Home tab menu was not displaying correctly for screens that are more than one level deep in the menu hierarchy (for example, Scribe > Setup > Headers). This has been corrected. (Case 3787)

Path: Home tab menu

3. We corrected an error related to parent-user hierarchy on the Authorization Setup screen. (Case 3539)

Path: Home tab menu > Setup > Authorization Setup > Authorization Setup screen



1. This release includes a large number of FSS cases, which will support the future migration of FSS functionality to WinTen²⁺.



1. We have changed the name of the TAR KPI from "TAR Score" to "TAR." (Case 3526)

Path: Home tab menu > HIP > KPI > KPI screen > KPI drop-down list > PHAS group



1. To avoid confusion in the Inspection Scheduler, we have changed the "Inspected" column header for Public Housing and Section 8 Annual Inspections to "Last Passed," to reflect that it shows the last-passed inspection date. (Case 3704)

Path: Home tab menu > Inspections > Schedule Inspections > Schedule Inspections screen

Property Security


1. You can now filter the Trespasser Report by Start Date. (Case 3739)

Path: Home tab menu > Property Security > Reports > Reports screen > Property Security Reports drop-down list > Trespasser

The new option is available in the Filter Editor:

Actions icon drop-down menu > Filter Editor > Filter Editor dialog > Add icon > Start Date filter

Hint: To keep the Start Date filter permanently, use the Save Layout icon to save the new layout.

Bug Report

1. A bug prevented adding a new person directly on the Trespasser screen. This has been corrected. (Case 3430)

Path: Home tab menu > Property Security > Trespasser > Trespasser screen > Save icon



1. We have added a Blank English Report, for use as a generic report template. (Case 3427)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Designer > Scribe Designer screen > Open icon > Open Report dialog > User Defined group

Bug Reports

1. An error would occur when a report filter included a numerical field and the filter value for that field contained a decimal point. This has been corrected. (Case 3520)

Example Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Reports > Reports screen > Report filter section

2. If the data source for a report was deleted, it would also remove the report from report menus. This has been corrected, so that a report will still show in menus if its data source is deleted. (Case 3694)

Example Path: Home tab menu > Reports > Reports screen

3. Two parameters (ApplicantID and TMID) were missing from the APP Application History data source, which caused the data source to behave incorrectly when used in a subreport. This has been corrected. (Case 3524)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Vision > Scribe Vision screen > Open icon > Browse Scribe Data Sources dialog

4. If a report contained an invalid filter, the data source would fail to load when you opened the report in Designer. This has been corrected, so that the report will open and the data source will load. This allows you to correct the filter. (Case 3527)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Designer > Scribe Designer screen > Open icon > Open Report dialog

5. If you created a new report by importing a PDF or image file, an out-of-memory exception error would sometimes occur when you saved or printed the report. This has been corrected. (Case 3740)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Designer > Scribe Designer screen > New icon > New Report screen > Create a report from a PDF or image file

Note: Existing reports that were originally imported from a PDF or image file may also return this out-of-memory exception error. To correct this, open the report in Designer, click the Save icon, and then close the report.

6. If you chose Times New Roman font in a header or footer section of a report, Designer would change the font to its default font when you saved the report. This has been corrected. (Case 3750)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Designer > Scribe Designer screen

7. We corrected two errors that could occur when importing a report that had previously been exported from Scribe. (Cases 3647 and 4118)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Designer > Scribe Designer screen > Import icon



1. We have enhanced Quick Load to support the archiving of any PDF document. Previously, it supported PDFs that are image-based only. (Case 3738)

Path: Home tab menu > TenDocs > Quick Load > Quick Load screen

2. We have added the following TenDocs categories to WinTen²⁺ Quick Load: Administrative, Board, Contracts, Financial, History, and HUD. (Case 3543)

Path: Home tab menu > TenDocs > Quick Load > Quick Load screen > Document Category field

Bug Report

1. In WinTen²⁺ Quick Load, a bug prevented certain users from viewing and selecting the Household category in the drop-down list of the Document Category field. This has been corrected. (Case 3713)

Path: Home tab menu > TenDocs > Quick Load > Quick Load screen > Document Category field

Work Orders


1. If you assign an employee to a work order using the Assign Work Orders screen, the program will now automatically add a Job Code for that employee on the Main tab of the Work Orders screen. (Case 3712)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Assign Work Orders > Assign Work Orders screen

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Work Order Search > Work Order Search screen > Work Order screen > Main tab > Job Codes section

2. We have added the Print icon, with Print and Print Preview options, to all Work Order Setup screens. (Case 3781)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Setup

3. On the Preventive Maintenance Search screen, we have added the Periodicity column, which relates to the Frequency column. For Preventive Maintenance with Daily Frequency, the Periodicity shows the number of weeks for the recurrence (for example, every week is "1," every two weeks is "2"). For Preventive Maintenance with Monthly Frequency, the Periodicity shows the day of the month on which it recurs (for example, "15" means the 15th day of the month). (Case 3783)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Preventive Maintenance Search > Preventive Maintenance Search screen

4. We have implemented all standard WinTen² Work Order reports in WinTen²⁺. (Case 3556)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Reports > Reports screen

5. We have updated five Scribe Work Order data sources and the Work Order reports that use them. (Case 3681)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Vision > Scribe Vision screen > Open icon > Browse Scribe Data Sources dialog (Work Order, Work Order Labor, Work Order Job Codes, Work Order Charges, and Work Order (Full Details) data sources)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Designer > Scribe Designer screen > Open icon > Open Report dialog > Work Order Maintenance group (Work Order Initial, Work Order Completed, Work Order Bill, Work Order AMP Invoicing, and Work Order Development Employee Billing Listing reports)

6. To enhance filtering of Work Order PHAS reports, we have added a Parameters section to the screen, with the following parameter fields: Begin Date, End Date, Developments, and Data Area. (Case 3554)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Reports > Reports screen > Report drop-down list > Work Order PHAS Detail and Work Order PHAS Summary groups

Bug Reports

1. When completing a work order, if you entered a Complete Date that was the same as the Due Date, the following warning message would appear, incorrectly: "Completed Date must come before Due Date." This has been corrected. (Case 3341)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Work Order Search > Work Order Search screen > Work Order screen > Actions icon drop-down list > Complete Work Order

2. If you added a work order for a unit that was currently vacant, but that had a previous tenant, the program would incorrectly link the previous tenant to the work order. This has been corrected. (Case 3742)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Work Order Search > Work Order Search screen > Work Order screen > Main tab > Tenant field

3. If you removed a tenant charge from a work order and the charge had a due date in the future, the system would incorrectly use the removal date as the transaction date when posting to TAR. This has been corrected, so that in this situation the removal will post to TAR as of the original, future due date. (Case 3744)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Work Order Search > Work Order Search screen > Work Order screen > Charges tab > Delete icon

4. When you complete a work order and bill charges to a tenant who is no longer active in TAR, the Complete Work Order dialog returns an error message. Previously, the wrong error message was returned. We have corrected this message, to tell the user that the tenant is not set up correctly for billing in TAR. (Case 3745)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Work Order Search > Work Order Search screen > Work Order screen > Actions icon drop-down list > Complete Work Order > Complete Work Order dialog > Bill To Tenant checkbox

5. The Tenmast Sequence Setup screen incorrectly allowed duplicate Sequence Number Prefixes across data areas for Work Order numbers (WOHeader table) and Preventive Maintenance numbers (PMHeader table). This has been corrected, so that, within each of these tables, the Sequence Number Prefix for each data area must be unique. (Case 3748)

Path: Home tab menu > Setup > Tenmast Sequence Setup > Tenmast Sequence Setup screen

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An MRI Software Company